
Software Engineering.

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I worked with these companies (selection)


I answer and ask programming questions on StackOverFlow
  • I belong to the top 5% worldwide in technologies React Native and Javascript.
  • Impact on more than 1.6 million people with useful questions and answers.
André Kovac StackOverFlow profile

Screenshot of my StackOverFlow profile (Jul 10 2023)

What I do.

I support with a range of software engineering services. From hands-on development to top-level consulting.
  • computer with coffee


    Frontend Software Engineering

    • building new features
    • fixing bugs
    • well documented

    Mobile 📲 & Web 💻 Development.

    • React ⚛️ + React Native ⚛️
  • Andre writing


    The big picture

    • architecture
    • usage of tech

    Find opportunities for improvement

    • thorough code reviews
    • knowledge transfer
  • Andre coding


    👀 A fresh set of eyes with an eye for detail.

    • Remove technical debt 💸
    • Improve velocity 👟 + performance ⏱
    • Robustness 💪

    💸 Robust code saves a lot of resources and time in the long run.

  • Cat at computer

    Minimum Viable Products

    Fast & Agile development to turn your ideas into reality 🚀

    • Rapid prototyping
    • Experience of over 20 hackathons: I know how to build things fast
    • From 0 to MVP in days

Open Source.

I am the author of two React Native bridging modules and contributor to other packages in the JavaScript ecosystem.

Learn from the best.

I continously learn about new technologies at conferences and as workshop participant. A few of the influential and inspiring people I have met (and grabbed for a selfie 😉 ) so far:
  • Tom Occhino


    Former React and React Native core team member. Introduced React Native at React.js conf 2015.

    André with Tom Occhino
  • William Candillon and Krzysztof Magiera


    Mastermind behind YouTube series "Can it be done with React Native?" and author of react-native-reanimated, gesture-handler and many other libraries.

    André with William Candillon and Krzysztof Magiera
  • Jeremy Howard


    Founder of the fast.ai research institute. They create tools and courses to make AI more accessible.

    André with Jeremy Howard