
Science Communication.

Science Slam

I regularly perform at Science Slams across Germany 🇩🇪.

In 10 minutes 🕚 I entertain the audience with humoristic and informative content.

I usually speak about

  • 🤖 Artificial Intelligence
  • 💻 Technology
  • 🐉 Chinese language
This is a 2.5 minute video on how to catch a criminal using mathematics (🇩🇪 German)

🔪 How to detect burglaries using mathematics. Research I did during my master studies on Applied Mathematics (🇺🇸 English)

🙌 Version control systems enable powerful collaboration - even beyond software projects. (🇺🇸 English)

🤖 Science Slam about the neural underpinnings of Artificial Neural Networks (🇩🇪 German)

Science Festivals.

As science communicator I teach kids science and technology at international science festivals and science events. I mostly work together with the Edinburgh International Science Festival. Here are some impressions.
  • Capture the flag


    Kids solving cyber security challenges

    kids solving cyber security riddles
  • Cyber Quest


    Facilitating kids to learn about cyber security

    Andre supporting kid with coding challenge
Interested in an entertaining, yet informative talk at your upcoming event?