
Event Art.

Art & Scribbles

👨‍🎨 I'll come to your event as an on-site artist. I call it "event art". ➡️ Check out the video 📽️ to see me in action at a former event.

🎨✒️ Or get artistic memories of your events in the form of scribbles.

Interested? 😊

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    Personalized Art

    Your event - your content.

    Canvas of company logos
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    Live painting

    It's drawn live on-site. I'll interact with attendiees and for example create a wall of their company logos.

    André drawing company logos onto a canvas


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    A few strokes of a pen to describe people

    Event scribble of André
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    Bringing concepts to life with a pen and some colors

    Event scribble of André
Interested in scribble art at your event?